Carnival Mini Recap!!!

Woot woot!  The carnival came and went and boy did we have fun!!!  My clients and I met at the Wyandotte County Fair and the Leavenworth County Fair.  I even made a friend, Marlon, who ran the Fun House at the Wyandotte County Fair.  He was a very sweet man who has five children and travels all the way from Memphis, Tennessee.  He was so gracious to accommodate everyone in the "Grease" barrell.  So here is a recap of a two week stint at the fair.  I can't wait to see you all next year!!

2013 Senior Time!!!

I can't believe that the time has come for 2013 seniors to be in getting their senior pictures taken.  So far, I have had to much fun with all my beauties!! Spots are filling quickly for fall so email the studio to schedule your appointment and to find out about different promotions and specials!!

Photography Idol

Having yourself critiqued among peers is a very scary thing.  But I also believe that in order to allow myself to grow as a photographer it is something that must be done.  Oh, and there may or may not have been some swanky prizes for the winner of this contest.  So I decided to enter the Photographer Idol contest with the  Chic Critique Forum The next step in deciding to do this is what image would I choose?  I have so many favorites!  So I asked for help from my oldest daughter with the very simple question, "If you have to choose an image of mine that just speaks to you, which one would you choose?"  Well it didn't take her but a second to answer me and I agree.  I fell in love with this image the minute I set it up.  I didn't need to even look in my camera to see what it spoke to me.  Wish me luck.