Being Happy for Others and Birthday Lasagna

So I have been working really hard lately on getting everything just so for the new website, blog, product guide, specials and just plain awesome stuff that my life seems to be flying by. But I promise that once it is all over and done, Nicole Renee Fotographie will be everything I always wanted my business to be and more. More? Yes, more. You see I had goals. I set them and even though I haven't met every single one YET, I still work on them. It is a constant process and let me tell you there wouldn't be one goal met without my determination and the support from my husband and a few family and friends who have helped push me and want more.

Why am I talking about this? Well, the other day I got a message on facebook. It was from a young photographer who had a couple questions and so I asked her when she would be free and I could call her. We ended up chatting for quite awhile and I answered any questions she had and I could tell she was quite excited just to be talking to someone else who had the same passion as her. Later that evening I had a ding on my phone and looked and someone posted on my facebook wall. I hope she doesn't mind but here is what she posted "Dear Nicole - I can't thank you enough for all the advice you just gave me over the phone! You put so much more confidence in me than I ever thought I could have. I have so much respect for you as a photographer. I look forward to going to some of your shoots with you and learning even more! Xoxo" I find it unsettling that it probably crossed her mind that she was writing to someone who may not give her the time of day. I help people as much as I can. I am always willing to share my knowledge with others, but I also know that there is so much for me to learn. As is with life. I mean if you already know everything where is there for your life to go but where you are. Learning is beautiful because your wings get streched and there always is room for improvement and more furry little feathers right? I mean, I am hoping that mine will eventually having diamonds or something because I like sparkle. LOL!

My point to all this is coming, I promise. Like, riiiiggggt now.

Recently there have been some things that I have seen and heard and just been around that made me go hmmmmmmmmmm. Why is it that we as human beings are so willing to accept people when they are hurting or failing and reach a hand out to them because you feel sorry for them, but it is so hard to accept the ones who are having successes, starting new ventures and soaring in their life? I don't quite understand this concept. I try to be the person when someone is starting something new to offer my help. I try to be the person when someone is down to give encouragement. I don't really think it is a hard concept. But it seems lately with it being so easy to access other people's lives through all the social networks, my little bubble that I used to live in has expanded quite a bit and opened my eyes to such negativity in this world. People are mean. People are so willing to try to knock others down just because they are so afraid of someone else becoming more successful in their eyes. Why not just be happy and encouraging of others in this human race. Why not try to lift others up because I promise when you do there is going to be someone right there lifting you too. Just a little thought. And I don't mean to let others walk all over you who constantly try to. But this is about encouragement. Making people a priority who only treat you as an option will be a discussion for another day. LOL!

So in closing I just want to say to encourage, lift, and be happy for others. I promise you will be a happier and more fulfilled person.

And I couldn't blog without a handsome hubby on his birthday with candles in his lasagna. We're cool like that.

And I don't want to end this without a little love to my studio mates, Josh and Jenny Solar from Solar Photoraphers. I learned about their super duper new business venture on the plane to Las Vegas when they hadn't told the world yet. I can't tell you enough how awesome I think this movement they are bringing to this crazy world is. I encourage you to take a look and show them some love........

Senior Special!!!

Hey there Seniors!!  You still have time to do your senior pictures!!!!  Why not take advantage of two for one!!  Book your session and bring a friend and you can split the session!!  Also, tag 10 of your friends who have not had their pictures taken on facebook and you get 16 free wallets with your paid session fee!  You can't go wrong with that!!  Email nicole@nicolereneephotography to book your session today!

Happy Birthday My Love

Dear Michael ~

Today, as we are in our life, in our marriage, in our existence together, I thought would be a good day to write you a thank you love note.  I mean, it is your birthday and I thought I would celebrate it by celebrating you.  

I celebrate and thank you ........

......... for being the father you are.  
......... for being my friend.
......... for all the roses you buy just because.
......... for allowing my wings to fly this year in my business.
......... for compromising even when you don't want to.
......... for washing the dishes without a word being said.
......... for going to work every single day because you want the best for us.
......... for building my firepit 30 minutes after suggesting we have one.
......... for talking to me not at me.
......... for loving God like you do.
......... for being as onery as you are even when it makes me crazy.
......... for loving me for all my me.
......... for always letting me know your love for me.
......... for your joy of other children besides ours.

I love you and I hope your birthday is filled with many blessings.