Michele and Mark

So, this is my BFF.  We have known each other since 3rd grade.   We have been through a lot together in our lives and like she has been there for me (we won't ever mention the time I got my hair done for my wedding and didn't actually invite her to the wedding) , I have always been there for her.  We have laughed, cried, danced, worked together, vacationed and so many other things that there are too many to mention.  I love her like a sister.  She got married last year and decided for her first anniversary to come finally and photograph their love.  I love Mark.  He is perfect for her.  He loves her children like they are his own and that in my book says everything.  Can I also say how hawt she is.  :)


January is Burlesque Month!!

And just in time for Valentine's Day I am celebrating sexy!  What is sexy, you say?  Well let me tell you friends, sexy is what you make of it.  Sexy is a smile, a look, an almost kiss, a whisp of hair, a tattoo a fully clothed curvaceous woman owning her beauty.  Sexy is so many things to so many people.  Sexy is owning who you are.

January is just the month to offer Burlesque and this year one of my favorite two shoots I have done is some sexy Burlesque couples.  What an awesome way to showcase your love for one another!  What an exciting present for your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend where you are actually asked to love on each other show each other your love while taking away awesome photographs to remember it by!  I will be offering some weekends in January as well as a few day shoots during the week.  When these weekends are offered, hair and makeup is included which is awesome.  I am also offering payment plans!  There is no excuse!

Bring on 2012

Well it is my annual yearly recap that I have come to share with all of you.

2011.  I can't ever say that a year was a bad year.  I mean, to say that 365 days of a year were all bad, is a strong statement for anyone.  Now, what I can say was there were certain days that 2011 could just have back.  Certain days that you wished you had just slept through.  Certain days you just want to punch it out of the calendar.  Yes, there were a few in my 2011.

 2011 brought blessings, happiness, joy and even tears.   It was a year of a loss in my life that just took the wind out of my positive sails.  A year that I asked God "why?" even though I knew in my heart that it wasn't God's fault or intention or doing.  I also know that believing in my faith and holding on to it helped me push through that time.

2011 was a year that brought me closer to my dad.  I mean, it has been 21 years since I have lived with him.  To have him move in with me for a month, I'm not gonna lie, was a scary thought.  We have a routine, our quirks as a family, our way of doing things.  To bring someone in your house and have them be a part of it day in and day out was a little like agreeing to do wife swap.  What if he thought I was a horrible cook and my family just said so occasionally but he was the one to actually think I sucked and was poisoning my family.  What if my ability to tune out all the chaos was his non ability to and drive him to the nut house.  What if me being used to just going to the bathroom with the door open lead to some horrible awkward moment when your dad sees you wiping at 39 years old.  Well, for the month he was here it was actually really great.  My kids had a grandparent here every day when they woke up.  Ellie bean, who is our little bundle of making you feel special with excitement every time she sees you made my dad feel special every single day.

2011 was a year that I set some goals and failed miserably in even attempting them.  I'm gonna act like I didn't set them.  :)

One missed goal was an epic fail on my blogging abilities.  I never made time to cultivate and grow this part of my business.  No excuses, I just didn't do it.  But being true to myself, I'm not going to beat myself up over it, I'm not going to give my lack of being present in this part of my business any more thought.  I will move forward.  Period.  End of non blogging story.  With that being said, IT'S 2012 people!!

2012.  Wow.  It just doesn't seem like it is even possible since I still remember thinking Prince's song 1999 was so far off I was going to be an old lady when I was gonna party like it was 1999.  Well I should be crumbling to ash now, since we are 13 years past the reference of 1999 in that historical song of our lives.  And yes, I say historical.  Don't act like it wasn't.  With that being said, I welcome 2012.  This is the year -- I am going to say it -- THIS IS THE YEAR I TURN 40.  Yes, I know you are all like, say what?!  2012 is going to be an awesome life changing year.  I said it.  You all have to hold me accountable because come 2013 and it wasn't I am going to blame you, not me.  Just kidding.  I am going to kick 40s ass.  Really.  This is the year I am going to change things on the outside.  I made a commitment a long time ago to change things on the inside and I truly work on this every single day.   I want to make these changes on the outside though because I want to keep up with my children.  I want to be present in their lives when Haley says she is going for a run and I can join and keep up.  I want to be able when Kylie wants to play keep away with a soccer ball and I can actually give her a run for her money.  I want to be able to keep up with my two little ones.  Big goal, I know.  But it is one I intend to work very hard on.

I wish you all a 2012 full of things that you want it to be.  You are all in charge of your own 2012, what will you make of it?  Whatever you do I wish you many blessings along the way and I wish you the ability to stay present in your 2012.  Make it full of confetti and glitter and happiness.  I am.